Solidarity with the women of Iran.

Joint statement of democratic women’s organisations in support of the struggle of Iranian women for dignity, equality, peace, justice, and for human and democratic rights

WRDA have signed the following letter in solidarity with the women of Iran:   We, the undersigned organisations that campaign for women’s emancipation from every form of exploitation note that: On 6th July 2022, the president…
We need a mother and baby Unit in NI.

Robin Swann asked to Urgently Prioritise a Mother and Baby Unit in Northern Ireland

It’s World Mental Health Day today (10th October) and this year’s theme is ‘make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority.’ For the 1,400 women in the UK and 140,000 around the world who develop postpartum psychosis (PP)…
In the Zone.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our message this year is it’s important to take time for yourself and prioritise your own health. Incorporating breast self-examination into your self-care routine is an essential yet quick way…
In my own words: what if?

In My Own Words: Creative Writing Project

In My Own Words is a creative writing project delivered by independent Theatre Company Prime Cut Productions. The project is your chance to contribute an Anthology of New Writing from women across Belfast and hopefully a Digitised Performance…
Consultation Response

The WPG responded to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Call for Evidence: The Effect of Paramilitaries on Society in Northern Ireland

"Loyalist women are less likely to report due to lack of trust in the police and a reluctance to be seen to be bringing the police into the area, paramilitarisation and the pressure that it will be used to make the community look bad, play into…
Belfast and Lisburn Women's Aid

“It’s My Life Now” – Reaching Out to Older Women Experiencing Domestic Abuse

Women's Aid Belfast and Lisburn are reaching out to older women experiencing domestic abuse that support is available and it is never too late to seek help and support. We often hear that older women are “hidden” or “invisible” victims…
Honour-based abuse and its links to paramilitarim

Honour-based Abuse (and its links to paramilitarism)

Honour-based abuse (HBA) is a prevalent issue that is often misunderstood in Northern Ireland. While gender-based violence is usually described as violence that is directed at a woman because she is a woman or violence that affects women disproportionately10,…
Consultation Response

Paramilitaries Effect on Women in Northern Ireland

This response will specifically examine the effect of paramilitaries on women in Northern Ireland by highlighting their lived experiences as captured by WPG primary research. In addition, this submission will include responses from women to…

Find out how to respond effectively to complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace and provide protections for workers.

For the past two years, WRDA has been working with colleagues across the UK; Chwarae Teg, Close the Gap and the Fawcett Society, to look at this issue. We began with a research project, informed by surveys with employees and employers, to understand…

Women’s Sector Lobbyist – Political Party Manifestos and Commitments to Women Northern Ireland Assembly Election – 5th May 2022

With the Northern Ireland Assembly Election (AE22) happening this week – I thought it was important to analyse the different manifestos of the main political parties to see whether they have prioritised the needs of women. The Women’s…