Women’s Policy Group Welcomes passing of the Protection from Stalking Act
Stalking is an extremely prevalent issue in our society, and we welcomed the passing
of the Protection from Stalking Act, engaging with the Department of Justice and the
Justice Committee throughout.
For too long, protections in Northern…
Budgetary Targets Needed to Improve Outcomes for Women and Girls
Gender budgeting requires government departments to analyse the different impact of the budget on people of different genders, starting as early in the budget cycle as possible. The aim of gender budgeting is to ensure that the distribution…
WRDA Statement on Islamophobic and Racist Riots
The staff and Board of Trustees of the Women’s Resource and Development Agency stand in solidarity with migrant and racialised communities in Northern Ireland. We cannot tolerate Islamophobia in our society, and we all have a duty to work…
Statement on Islamophobic Violence in NI and across the UK
The Women’s Policy Group NI stands firmly with the migrant communities of Northern Ireland and in particular the Muslim community, which has come under sustained attack in the last week. It is important that, as we identify the motives for…
Women’s Policy Group calls out DWP’s medical-model approach to the experience of disability
Previous WPG consultation documents and research commissioned by the WRDA, have highlighted the gendered nature of poverty in Northern Ireland, the additional impact of the cost of living crisis and the inadequacy of the current system for those…
Opening Statement to the Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement
Opening Statement to the Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement
Elaine Crory, Women’s Sector Lobbyist, Women’s Resource & Development Agency
WRDA was founded in 1983, while the conflict was still…
WPG NI Response to Foundational Review of Civil Legal Services
The position of the Women’s Policy Group NI is that access to justice is a fundamental right, and there is a duty on the state to ensure access to it, even if that means expense.
At present, legal aid is available but requires an exacting…
WRDA Members Contribute to New Poetry Anthology
As part of the In My Own Words creative writing project delivered by Prime Cut Productions 10 members of WRDA were tutored by poet Nandi Jola to help bring out their creative side. The group met weekly and we have Women’s Support Network to…
Cervical Cancer Awareness Week 2024
Cervical screening aims to prevent cervical cancers by detecting early precancerous changes in the cells that line the cervix. Women aged 25-49 should be called for a smear test every 3 years and women aged 50-64 should be called every 5 years.…
Gender Inequality in Northern Ireland: Where are we in 2024?
In 2020, WRDA produced a number of statistics on gender inequality in Northern Ireland, against a number of key indicators. This data represents an update on the 2020 statistics, against the same measures, insofar as they are available.