Dark Hedges photograph. Gender Equality 2020 Northern Ireland.

Gender Inequality in Northern Ireland: Where are we in 2020?

In 2020, Northern Ireland has vast gender inequality across all aspects of society. Despite this, gender-neutral policy making is still the standard in all budgetary, policy and legislative decision making across Northern Ireland. It is essential…

WRDA Statement on the Draft Deal – 13th January 2020

The Women’s Resource and Development Agency welcomes many of the commitments outlined in the ‘New Decade, New Approach’ draft agreement. We are encouraged to see a commitment to deliver on several areas relating to women’s rights. This…

Meeting With Secretary of State Requested

WRDA requested a meeting with the Secretary of State in November 2019 and have received no response. As part of the Women's Policy Group a second letter was sent on the 8th of January 2020 and we have received confirmation of receipt but no…

Four nation approach to tackling workplace sexual harassment

Women's organisations from across the four nations of the UK have come together to collaborate on a project which will tackle sexual harassment in the workplace, funded by Rosa and the Justice and Equality Fund Now’s the Time programme. The…

Northern Ireland Women’s Manifesto 2019 Launched

The Northern Ireland Women’s Manifesto 2019 sets out measures on a number of important gender equality issues that, with political will, can be taken forward over the next Westminster term. It has been compiled by The Women’s Policy Group.…

Brexit and the Impact on Women in Northern Ireland

Women in Northern Ireland are greatly underrepresented in public and political life. This was clearly evident in the lead up to the Brexit referendum and remains a worrying issue in the current Brexit negotiations. Underrepresentation in political…
Claire Bailey Green Party MLA, Kellie Turtle Women's Sector Lobbyist and Aoife Hamilton Employers for Childcare at the launch of the ChildCare for All Charter

Hellos and Goodbyes in Lobbying

Kellie Turtle, Women’s Sector Lobbyist, will be leaving WRDA in October. Kellie joined WRDA in 2017 and has campaigned relentlessly on issues such as the Two Child Tax Credit Cap and Rape Clause, maternal mental health and childcare for all…

Bowel Cancer is the Second Biggest Killer in NI, do you know how to Reduce your Risk?

Bowel cancer is the third biggest cancer killer in NI. Every year 1,100 people in NI are diagnosed with bowel cancer and 400 people die from the disease. Early detection is key to improved survival rates and the FOB home screening kit is key…

20 Year Lower Life Expectancy for Women with Learning Disabillities

Women with a learning disability are at a higher risk of premature, preventable death than women in the general population. Cancer is the leading cause of death in NI and as all cancers are less treatable in the later stages early diagnosis…

Focus on Cervical Cancer Awareness

Cervical screening aims to prevent cervical cancers by detecting early precancerous changes in the cells that line the cervix. Women aged 25-49 should be called for a smear test every 3 years and women aged 50-64 should be called every 5…