Childcare for All Campaign – COVID-19 Statement

The co-convenors of the Childcare for All Campaign, WRDA and Employers For Childcare, welcome the publication of the Northern Ireland Executive five-stage plan for easing the COVID-19 lockdown. However while significant work is ongoing within…
Department of Health logo

Department of Health Replies to Our Urgent Request for an Update on the Delivery of Perinatal Mental Health Services for Northern Ireland

We received a reply to our request stating that mental health was one of Minister Swann's top priorities. Whilst the reply noted that the need for mental health services would increase due to the pandemic, the work on the Mental Health Action…
A visible force for change.

Department for Communities Emergency Leadership Group Update

The Women’s Sector Lobbyist has been added to the Department for Communities Emergency Leadership Group and has now attended two meetings representing the women’s sector. In the first meeting held on Thursday 30thApril, updates were given…
MAS maternal advocacy and support

Urgent Update on the Delivery of Perinatal Mental Health Services for Northern Ireland Requested

This week is Maternal Mental Health week and the Women’s Sector Lobbyist, Rachel Powell has written to the Minister for the Department of Health, Robin Swann to request an update from the Department on the delivery of perinatal mental health…
A visible force for change.

Covid-19 Lobbying Update

WRDA is a member of the Women’s Policy Group (WPG) and hosts the Women’s Sector Lobbyist, Rachel Powell who campaigns on behalf of the whole sector. As such we have been at the forefront of lobbying on ways to reduce the impact of Covid-19…
A visible force for change.

Briefing on Domestic Violence and Abuse – COVID-19 and Legislative Reforms

Introduction: The Women’s Resource and Development Agency welcomes the proposed legislative changes regarding domestic abuse and violence both within the Northern Ireland Assembly and in Westminster Parliament. Activists, women’s organisations…
Looking after your mental health while you stay at home.

The Public Health Agency (PHA) is highlighting how important it is for people to look after their wellbeing as they stay at home to help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Professor Hugo van Woerden, Director of Public Health and Medical Director at the PHA, said: “Coronavirus, and the impact it is having on our normal way of life, is understandably going to affect people’s emotional and physical wellbeing…
Public Health Agency Logo.

New maternity website launched to advise pregnant women during COVID-19

During COVID-19 normal maternity services will be temporarily reconfigured.  To keep pregnant women informed of these changes the Public Health Agency (PHA) has launched a new Northern Ireland Maternity COVID-19 website. The website will provide…
A visible force for change.

Covid-19 WRDA Update

WRDA Covid-19 contingency planning commenced early March as uncertainty and panic levels were beginning to escalate. Yet despite the cancellation of some BC&B sessions, workshops and training programmes the majority of targets set for 2019/20…
PSNI Logo with the words Engage, Explain, Encourage, Enforce.

Police Powers to Enforce Social Distancing Already Being Abused

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2020 were introduced by the Northern Ireland Executive on 28th March, 2020. The purpose of this legislation is to allow the PSNI to enforce social distancing but…