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Guide to responding to the RSE consultation

In light of recent misinformation campaigns around the changes to the Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) curriculum in Northern Ireland, the Women’s Policy Group NI (WPG) has put together a guide to responding to the consultation, highlighting the key issues we will mention in response to the 4 questions on the consultation.   This is […]

Is your group looking to skill up and undertake training? Consider contacting the Women Breaking Barriers Team!

Women Breaking Barriers is a collaborative project involving multiple Women’s Centres and community organisation across Northern Ireland.  Providing tailored education and support to equip women with the skills necessary to overcome personal barriers to employment and education, participants have the opportunity to avail of courses like GOALS Motivational Programme and WorldHost Customer Service Training. Delivery […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our message this year is it’s important to take time for yourself and prioritise your own health. Incorporating breast self-examination into your self-care routine is an essential yet quick way to look after your health. If you’re not sure how to check your breasts properly or what to look […]

Mas Project a lifeline for 300 NI mums needing perinatal support

A unique three-year project provided a lifeline for mothers struggling to find support due to shortfalls in maternity and perinatal services in Northern Ireland.   The Maternal Advocacy and Support (Mas) Project helped more than 300 women experiencing perinatal mental health issues and organisers are now calling for permanent statutory interventions for mothers.   Clare […]

Women’s Policy Group Launch Call for Views

The Women’s Policy Group has launched a survey to gather the experiences of women after experiencing men’s violence. This includes harassment, stalking, cat-calling, assault, abuse and misogynistic bullying. We are eager to capture people’s experiences with the police, courts and reporting services, and to hear what could be improved. You can respond to this survey […]