Bold Women Blogging

If you are an opinionated feminist with something to say, we want to help you get heard! Bold Women Blogging is a space where NI Feminists can voice their views on any topic related to gender. We are keen to publish submissions from the feminist public so get in touch!

Your submission

  • must relate to gender
  • must not contradict WRDA’s ethos and values
  • should be between 500 – 2000 words
  • should include images in jpeg or png format
  • should not use profanity or slurs
  • can be posted anonymously but your name and contact number must be supplied in submission email
  • should be in word format

The final decision on what gets published rests with the Communications and Membership worker

If you are interested in submitting a piece to the blog or want to find out more please email Megan on Please be sure to include a contact number, little bit about yourself and if you would like to post anonymously.