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Member Profile: GLOW

What is the history of GLOW and where is it based? Located on the street that connects the divided communities of the Falls and the Shankill, GLOW (Giving Life Opportunities to Women) was established in 2011 through a desire to help local women and girls who were suffering from a range of mental health issues […]

Putting Women’s Voice at the Core – New Evidence from the Feminist Recovery Plan

As part of the development of the relaunched Feminist Recovery Plan the Women’s Policy Group produced a substantial body of primary research on the impact of the pandemic on women across Northern Ireland. This valuable new research has been collated into a separate report, WPG COVID-19 Feminist Recovery Plan Supplementary Research Report: Putting Women’s Voices […]

Women’s Policy Group NI Endorse Women’s Resource and Development Agency Response to NICE Inducing Labour Update Consultation on Draft Guidelines

The members of the WPG NI and WRDA reject the NICE guidelines for the following reasons: These proposals single out black and brown birth giving people, over 35s and people with higher BMIs for early induction at 39 weeks. The equality impact assessment for this guideline has not recognised the impact on these groups of […]

OCN in Maternal Advocacy and Support Approved

The Mas project are delighted to deliver the OCN in Maternal Advocacy and Support to Mas project workers across the centres this summer.  The modules will be delivered over July and August and the OCN will also be delivered throughout the year to project participants on the Mas project.  This is an exciting development for the […]

Relaunch of Feminist Recovery Plan

Register Here We are excited to announce that the Women’s Policy Group are relaunching our COVID-19 Feminist Recovery Plan on Wednesday 28th July 2021 from 10am-12pm. We would like to invite you all to attend this relaunch event. One year on from the WPG NI COVID-19 Feminist Recovery Plan 2020 was initially launched in July 2020, gender-neutral policy […]

The MAs Project Looks Forward to Next Stage

The Mas project is providing peer support for women with maternal mental health problems across 8 women’s centres in the Belfast, Lisburn and Derry/Londonderry area. Due to the pandemic we had to adapt to online delivery and are now all phasing the return to face to face contact. The peer support has included a range […]

Campaigning Success for Raise Your Voice

Raise Your Voice has been working alongside other organisations to push for urgent reform on Relationships & Sexuality Education (RSE) in schools. It is apparent through our work as well as through a wealth of evidence that our current RSE provision is insufficient, and it is not fully equipping young people with the information that […]

Online bowel cancer screening awareness programme launched to help save lives

A vital programme aimed at raising awareness of the importance of bowel screening is now available online to support the recent roll out of a new, simpler bowel cancer screening kit in Northern Ireland.   The Women’s Resource and Development Agency’s (WRDA) ground-breaking online screening awareness programme was originally developed to help tackle inequalities in […]

Ulster University Invites Women’s Groups to Join the Conversation on the Constitutional Question

Ulster University is hosting workshops to facilitate women’s groups to participate in conversations about constitutional issues in Northern Ireland.  Our project is funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the aim of each workshop is to have an inclusive conversation on the referendum provision in the 1998 Belfast Good Friday Agreement that takes account of pro-Irish […]