Women Won’t Wait

CAMPAIGNERS FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND EQUALITY SPEAK OUT ABOUT THE IMPACT OF STORMONT STALEMATE. The results of a survey released today by the Women’s Resource and Development Agency reveal the impact of having no government at Stormont…

And so, I continue on …

For many of us, prior to the #metoo movement, speaking out about our own personal encounters with sexism and abuse across many sectors felt taboo. It was often frowned upon to speak up and outwards against this kind of behaviour that has been…

WRDA receives CRC Core Funding Awards 2018/19

The Women’s Resource and Development Agency has been successful in winning a grant award of £41382.44 over two years from The Community Relations Council. The Women’s Resource and Development Agency is one of 32 organisations receiving…

Claire’s Story: This is why we need affordable childcare

Once upon a time there was a girl called Claire. Claire had not yet had children. Claire harboured dreams of being a rich and successful Solicitor. Claire and her future husband figured that Claire would be the main breadwinner. They figured…

Poldark, Toxic Masculinity and Disordered Eating

A couple of weeks ago the Sunday Times printed an interview with Poldark actor Aidan Turner that attracted a considerable amount of coverage over the following days, most of it centred on the discussion of his diet and exercise regime. While…

Pro-life does not have to mean anti-choice: Supporting the continued criminalisation of abortion is not pro-life, it is anti-choice

The overwhelming ‘Yes’ vote in the Republic of Ireland which was announced on Saturday 26th May was a huge step forward for the rights of women in Ireland. The overwhelming majority with which the 'Yes' vote was won was inspirational and…

No More Stigma! Launching a new conversation by and about single parents

I was very much a reluctant member when I joined the single parent club 8 years ago. There are a multitude of different routes that take us into single parenthood, often they are difficult journeys strewn with pitfalls of heartbreak,…

Childcare For All Campaign

WRDA is one of a network of organisations that have come together to form the Childcare For All campaign. This campaign calls for universal, child-centred childcare that meets the needs of children, families, childcare workers and providers…

My Mum’s experience with a paramedic who didn’t trust her to represent her own experience of pain

I want to start this blog by saying that in the past year I’ve had more contact with the National Health Service than I’ve ever had in any other year, and certainly more than I would have liked, and while there are undoubtedly criticisms…

Northern Ireland has a Problem with Rape Culture

  Belfast has a problem with Rape Culture. Eating lunch, buying clothes or even just walking down the street, women in this city are met with a barrage of misogynistic material. Violence against women is made light of and women’s…