Women's policy group launch call for views. After violence: attitudes and reporting VAWG.

The Women’s Policy Group has launched a survey to gather the experiences of women after experiencing men’s violence. This includes harassment, stalking, cat-calling, assault, abuse and misogynistic bullying. We are eager to capture people’s experiences with the police, courts and reporting services, and to hear what could be improved.

You can respond to this survey even if you haven’t experienced or reported violence, as it also generally gathers attitudes and perceptions of reporting, including experiences with police, courts and support services. If you have no direct experience, your opinion is still relevant; we want to be able to make useful and practical recommendations, and your experiences and your opinions will shape these.

This research will inform our work on tackling all forms of violence against women and girls and ensuring that those who experience violence are supported. We will use this data to inform our work reporting to bodies as diverse as GREVIO, which monitors the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, the House of Commons Women & Equalities Committee, and the Executive Office’s new Violence against Women & Girls Strategy, as well as lobbying going forward.

To get an idea of the ways we have used this kind of research before, please see our first piece of research on Violence Against Women and Girls.

It’s a short, anonymous online survey and should only take about 5-10 minutes to respond. You can find the link to the survey here.