Gender Inequality in Pop Music

Gender Inequality in Pop Music

Introduction I was visiting my granny recently and she mentioned her dislike for the way female artists, such as Taylor Swift and Lizzo, dress ‘these days’. She had seen some purposefully unflattering pictures of these women in leotards…
Bold women blogging: Maternal mental health - a feminist issue.

Maternal Mental Health in Northern Ireland – a Feminist issue

The pressures on mums are never - ending, the expectation to have a job, be a mum, be happy and smile and hold it together for themselves and for others in the face of adversity is testament to societal pressure that often expects women to do…
A rainbow drawn in crayon.

Why Mother and Baby Units aren’t a luxury, they are a necessity.

I spent my first night at home with my daughter when she was seven weeks old. This isn’t how I thought it would happen. I pictured wrapping her in her blanket, popping her in her car seat, driving (slowly) from hospital to our home, and…
The gender pain gap.

The Gender Pain Gap- the reality of women’s health inequalities

Women’s pain is often undermined, with healthcare professionals believing that women are over-exaggerating their pain which results in women not receiving the correct pain medication. While the healthcare system is vital for everyone, it traditionally…
Bold Women Blogging

Got something to say? We want to help you get heard!

If you are an opinionated feminist with something to say, we want to help you get heard! Bold Women Blogging is a space where NI Feminists can voice their views on any topic related to gender. We are keen to publish submissions from the feminist…
Bold women blogging: A direct appeal from Palestinian women.

Direct appeal from Palestinian women: A call for Humanity

“War” is one of the most awful phrases and actions humans have ever invented. In wars, everything you hold dear to your heart can be eliminated in a split second - places, streets, homes, memories, and above all friends and family members. For…
Bold Women Blogging


In theory, Northern Ireland has had the most liberal abortion legislation in the UK and Ireland since decriminalisation through Westminster in 2019. The right to end a pregnancy is now enshrined in law, without the risk of prosecution which…
Dear Secretary of state, what have you done with the NI Budget?

Where’s Our Democracy? Campaign Opposes Secretary of State’s Fiscal Violence

The Where’s Our Democracy? campaign have written to the Secretary of State regarding the Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund, alerting him to the dire need for these funds to be directed to the intended communities in Northern Ireland…
Bold Women Blogging


Women were disproportionately impacted by the austerity policies following the financial crash. Women were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and are now being disproportionately impacted by the cost of living crisis. Women in Northern…
Bold Women Blogging

Men paid more, even in retirement.

It has long been known that women face a smaller pension pot than men. WASPI (Women against state pension inequality) a voluntary organisation in the UK has been tirelessly campaigning and highlighting the gender pension gap since 1995. WASPI…