two leaflets relating to bowel cancer.

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month – Do You Know How to Reduce Your Risk?

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in NI. Around 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with bowel cancer and around 430 people die from the disease. Early detection is key to improved survival rates and the recently introduced FIT…
The gender pain gap.

The Gender Pain Gap- the reality of women’s health inequalities

Women’s pain is often undermined, with healthcare professionals believing that women are over-exaggerating their pain which results in women not receiving the correct pain medication. While the healthcare system is vital for everyone, it traditionally…
WRDA staff with banners at IWD 2024 rally.

WRDA Celebrates International Women’s Day 2024

The theme for this year was “Peace and Courage”, recognizing that it takes courage to create peace. Conflicts are raging in Ukraine, Sudan, and Yemen, Genocides are happening right now against Palestinians in Gaza and against Uighur Muslims…
Star award winners from the Mas project holding their award.

Mas Project Wins Big at STAR Awards

International Women’s Day 2024 was a day for the Mas!  We are delighted to have won the Aontas award for Special Recognition for an Initiative Supporting Shared Island and Peace Building Activities.  The judging day and awards ceremony in…
We are calling on Ministers and Departments to resist the implementation of revenue raising measures.

We are calling on Ministers and Departments to resist the implementation of revenue raising measures

This is a excerpt from the Women's Policy Group Response to the Department of Infrastructure Consultation on Water & Sewerage Charges. Northern Ireland is facing a difficult financial environment. Although the Assembly has returned and…
The MAs project. Maternal advocacy and support.

Recruitment now open for Maternal Advocacy & Support OCN Level 3 Endorsed Course

The Mas project is committed to increasing awareness of perinatal mental health, breaking stigma and providing support for women.  Would you like to learn more about maternal mental health? This course will be delivered on Zoom and provides…
Women's sector lobbyist prepared for Stormont return

Women’s Sector Lobbyist Prepared for Stormont Return

Following the return of the Assembly, the Women’s Sector Lobbyist prepared policy briefings on key issues, gathered from across the women’s sector, to send to each new Minister. These set out the priority issues we plan to lobby on in the…
Community Campaigners.

Ground-breaking course helps women to campaign against social injustice

Women in Belfast are being given an opportunity to gain the campaigning skills necessary to improve the lives of people in their communities. The Community Campaigners Course, run by the Women’s Resource and Development Agency (WRDA), offers…
Bold Women Blogging

Got something to say? We want to help you get heard!

If you are an opinionated feminist with something to say, we want to help you get heard! Bold Women Blogging is a space where NI Feminists can voice their views on any topic related to gender. We are keen to publish submissions from the feminist…
Cervical screening video

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month 2024

ervical screening aims to prevent cervical cancers by detecting early precancerous changes in the cells that line the cervix. Women aged 25-49 should be called for a smear test every 3 years and women aged 50-64 should be called every 5 years.…