WRDA regularly responds to consultations on policies being proposed by government. We concentrate on issues that will have a direct impact on women or on the women’s sector.


WPG NI Response to Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in NI – June 2024

WPG NI Response to Foundational Review of Civil Legal Services – June 2024

WPG NI Response to the Department for the Economy’s consultation on Onshore Petroleum Licensing Policy – April 2024

WPG NI Response to the Department of Infrastructure Consultation on Water & Sewerage Charges – March 2024

WRDA Response to Belfast City Council’s consultation on draft city centre Bye-laws ‘for the good governance of Belfast city centre and for the prevention and suppression of nuisances in Belfast city centre – March 2024

WPG NI Response to the Department of Finance Consultation on Revenue Raising Measures – Domestic Rating Measures – February 2024

WPG NI Response Local Government Staffing Commission (LGSC) Trans Equality Policy – February 2024

WRDA Response to the Department for Communities (DfC) Consultation on Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Infrastructure Support – February 2024

WPG NI Response to the Department of Finance Consultation on Revenue Raising Measures – January 2024

Women’s Policy Group NI Response to Re-introduction of Hospital Parking Charges – January 2024


Submission by Northern Ireland civil society in response to the baseline report of the United Kingdom to the Istanbul Convention on tackling violence against women and girls – December 2023

WPG NI Response to Department of Education Consultation on Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) – November 2023

WRDA Response to Statutory Guidance On The Reduction And Management Of Restrictive Practices In Educational Settings In Northern Ireland – October 2023

WPG NI Response to TEO EVAWG Draft Strategic Framework – October 2023

WPG NI Response to Westminster Women & Equalities Committee Inquiry into the Escalation of VAWG -September 2023

WPG NI Response to TEO Period Products Consultation – September 2023

WPG NI Response to Department for Infrastructure Consultation on Concessionary Fares – August 2023

WPG NI Response to The Department for Communities EQIA on Changes to the Discretionary Support Scheme – August 2023

WPG NI Response to The Department for Education Budget EQIA – August 2023

WPG NI Response to The Department for the Economy’s Spending Plans for 2023–2024 Equality Impact Assessment – June 2023

WRDA Response to The Executive Office (TEO) Consultation on the Review of the Race Relations (NI) Order 1997 – June 2023

WRDA response to Climate Change – June 2023

WPG NI Response to the Department of Health’s Spending Plans for 2023–2024Equality Impact Assessment – June 2023

WPG NI Response to Department for Infrastructure’s Spending Plans for 2023–2024 Equality Impact Assessment – June 2023

WPG NI Response to the Department for Communities’ Spending Plans for 2023–2024 Equality Impact Assessment – June 2023

WPG NI Response to The Executive Office’s Spending Plans for 2023–2024 Equality Impact Assessment – June 2023

Women’s Policy Group NI Response to OHCHR Call for Evidence on Challenges faced by women human rights defenders (WHRDs) working in conflict, post-conflict or crisis-affected settings – May 2023

WPG NI Response to the Department of Justice (DoJ)/ Department of Health (DoH) Draft Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy – May 2023

WPG NI Response to Domestic Abuse: Prohibitions for Cross-examination in Family Proceedings – April 2023

WPG NI Response to TEO Ending VAWG: Experiences and Attitudes of 16-year-olds in Northern Ireland report – Readership Survey – April 2023

WPG NI Response to Department for the Economy Consultation on Circular Economy Strategy – March 2023

WPG NI Response to PPS Policy on Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Abuse Consultation – February 2023

WPG NI Response to APPG on Poverty, Call for Evidence into the Inadequacy of Social Security – January 2023

Miscarriage Leave and Pay Consultation – January 2023

WPG NI Response to Department for Communities Debt Respite Policy Proposals for Northern Ireland Consultation– January 2023



Women’s Policy Group Response to call for evidence on: Abuse of Position of Trust Offences: Extension of the Law – December 2022

WPG Response to Department for the Economy ‘Consultation on 10X Performance Management Framework’ – October 2022

WPG NI Response to Westminster Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Call for Evidence: The Effect of Paramilitaries on Society in Northern Ireland – May 2022

WRDA Department for Communities Audit of Inequalities – May 2022

WPG Response to Hate Crime Legislation Review Consultation – March 2022

WPG NI Response to Call for Views: New Strategies: Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy (DOJ, DOH) Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy (TEO) – March 2022

WPG NI Response to ‘Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights’ Consultation – March 2022

WPG NI Response to Draft Refugee Integration Strategy – February 2022

Women’s Policy Group Response to the Housing Supply Strategy – February 2022

Women’s Policy Group Response to Ban Conversion Therapy Consultation (UK Government Equalities Office) – February 2022

Women’s Policy Group Response to Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into Spiking – January 2022


Women’s Policy Group NI Response to Period Products (Free Provision) Bill Consultation – December 2021

Women’s Policy Group NI Response to Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill Survey – December 2021

WPG Response to Department of Justice Response to Hate Crime Review – December 2021

Women’s Resource and Development Agency Response to The Executive Office Call for Views on the ‘Building Forward: Consolidated COVID-19 Recovery Plan’ – November 2021

WPG NI Response to NISRA Census Outputs Consultation – November 2021

WPG NI Response to Health Committee Call for Evidence: Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill November 2021

WPG NI Response to Justice Committee Call for Evidence: Justice (Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking Victims) Bill – September 2021

WPG Response to Non-Fatal Strangulation: A Public Consultation – September 2021

WRDA Response to Department of Health Integrated Care System NI Draft Framework – September 2021

WPG Response to Department for Economy Skills Strategy or Northern Ireland: Skills for a 10x Economy – August 2021

WPG Endorsement of Member Submissions on: Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill Call for Evidence – August 2021

WRDA Evidence Submission: Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill– August 2021

WPG Endorsement of WRDA Response to NICE Inducing Labour Update [GID-NG10008] Consultation on Draft Guideline – July 2021

WRDA Response to NICE Inducing Labour Update [GID-NG10008] Consultation on Draft Guideline – July 2021

WPG Submission to Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs on the Climate Change Bill – July 2021

WRDA Evidence Submission and Endorsement to Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs on the Climate Change Bill – July 2021

WPG Endorsement of CAJ Response to PSNI Consultation and Equality Impact Assessment on the temporary use of Spit and Bite Guards

WPG Response to the Severe Fetal Impairment Private Members’ Bill

WPG Response and Endorsement to Private Members’ Bill (Martina Anderson MLA) on Work-Life Balance – April 2021

WPG Protection from Stalking Bill: Joint Evidence Submission

WPG Response to the Carers’ Act: Private Member’s Bill Consultation

WPG Response to the Department of Finance Draft Budget for 2021-2022, Department Equality Screenings/EQIAs and Draft PfG Outcomes Framework – February 2021

WPG Response to the DOJ Public Consultation on Enhancing Legal Protections for Victims of Domestic Abuse 

WRDA Response to the Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights Consultation February 2021

WPG Response to Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights Consultation 5h February 2021

WPG Response to Discussion Document on a Climate Change Bill – February 2021

Women’s Resource and Development Agency Response to PMB on Period Poverty Issued by Pat Catney MLA – January 2021

WRDA Response to PMB Consultation – Paid Domestic Abuse Leave – January 2021

 WPG Response and Endorsement of Member Responses – PMB Period Poverty Consultation – January 2021

WPG Response to PMB Consultation – Paid Domestic Abuse Leave – January 2021

WPG Response to Consent to harm for sexual gratification: not a defence – January 2021 – Department of Justice


WPG Response to Zero Hours Contracts Consultation – December 2020 Proposed by – Jemma Dolan – Sinn Féin

WPG Endorsement of the response from Transgender NI to the HSCB Draft Objectives for Gender Identity Services in Northern Ireland 

WPG Endorsement of the responses to the Adult Restorative Justice Consultation by CAJ and Raise Your Voice

WRDA Evidence Submission to Justice Committee Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill 2020

WPG Evidence Submission to Justice Committee Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill 2020

WPG Hate Crime Consultation Review Response

Raise Your Voice response to the Hate Crime Legislation Review

WRDA Hate Crime Consultation Response

WPG response to the Westminster Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry on COVID-19 and the Impact on People with Protected Characteristics 

WRDA response UK Government Marriage Equality Consultations (Religious Marriage and conversions)

WPG response UK Government Marriage Equality Consultations (Religious Marriage and conversions)

WRDA Response to Department of Finance Budget Engagement


WPG Consultation response to A New Legal Framework for Abortion Services in NI

WRDA Consultation response to A New Legal Framework for Abortion Services in NI

WRDA response to Consultation on Dormant Accounts Northern Ireland

WRDA response to the Department of Health Public Consultation ‘Reshaping Breast Assessment Services’


WRDA response to the Department of Finance Briefing Paper on the Northern Ireland Budgetary Outlook 2018-2020

WRDA response to the Executive Office Consultation on proposals for the withdrawal of two compendia official statistics publications – ‘A profile of older people in Northern Ireland’ and ‘Gender Equality Statistics’ annual publications.
WRC Response to: ‘A consultation paper on proposals for the provision of strategic support to the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland 2017-2021’
WRDA Response to Draft Programme for Government June 2016
Women’s Regional Consortium Response to: Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21
WRDA Response to Department of Justice Consultation on Domestic Abuse Offence & Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
Response to DHSSPS Health and Social Care Innovation Grant Scheme

WRDA, CiNI and WINI response to Childcare Strategy (NI Executive) – November 2015
WRDA response to Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations NI – October 2015
Women’s Regional Consortium response to Social Housing Reform (DSD) – June 2015
Women’s Regional Consortium response to Sharing Works: A Policy for Shared Education (DOE) – February 2015
WRDA/Women’s Regional Consortium submission to DOJ’s abortion consultation

Women’s Regional Consortium response to Future Support of Independent Living Fund Users in Northern Ireland (DHSSPS) – November 2014
Women’s Regional Consortium response to Zero Hour Contracts (DEL) – September 2014
Women’s Regional Consortium Response to Development of a Sexual Orientation Strategy and Action Plan (OFMDFM) – June 2014
Women’s Regional Consortium response to Review of Apprenticeships Interim Report (DEL) – April 2014
Women’s Regional Consortium response to Delivering Social Change for Children and Young People (OFMDFM) – March 2014
Women’s Regional Consortium response to Future Arrangements for Consumer Representation in Northern Ireland (DETI) – January 2014
Women’s Regional Consortium response to Policy Options Arising from the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (DARD) – January 2014
WRDA submission to Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse in Northern Ireland 2013-2020

Women’s Regional Consortium response to Development Proposals for the six EU Priorities for Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (DARD) – October 2013
WRDA submission to Haass /O’Sullivan NI Panel of Parties Talks 2013
Response to the Consultation: Shared Parental Rights, Extending Flexibility at Work
WRDA response to Westminister threat to campaigning by civil society – September 2013
Response to Financial Capability Strategy issued by DETI – July 2013
Response to the Consultation on the limited Circumstances for a Lawful Termination of Pregnancy in Northern Ireland – July 2013
Response to Commission for Victims and Survivors – May 2013
Response to Towards a Childcare Strategy – March 2013

Response to the Fit and Well Consultation – November 2012
Response to Supporting Separated Families; Securing Children’s futures – September 2012
Response to OFMDFM Disability Strategy – August 2012
WRDA DWP Work and Pension Committee Submission – August 2012
Response to DSD Audit of Inequalities – May 2012
Response to the Economic Strategy – February 2012
Response to the Programme for Government – February 2012

Response to the Welfare Reform Bill EQIA 2011 – November 2011
Response to the Social Investment Fund Consultation – September 2011
Response to the Consultation on Passported Benefits in Universal Credit – September 2011
Response to the 1325 inquiry – September 2011
Response to Rebalancing the Northern Ireland Economy – July 2011
Response to Strengthening Women’s Voices in Government – June 2011
WCRP Response to Pathways to Success NEETS Consultation – June 2011
WCRP Response to the GEO, Strengthening Women’s Voices in Government – June 2011
WCRP Response to Community Safety Strategy for Northern Ireland – April 2011
Response to the DSD Draft Budget – February 2011
Response to the DFP Draft Budget – February 2011
Response to the OFMDFM Draft Budget – February 2011
Response to the DHSSPS Draft Budget – February 2011
Response to the DEL Draft Budget – February 2011
WCRP Response to Guidance on the Provision of Local Generalist Voluntary Advice – Feb 2011
WCRP Response to the DFP Draft Budget 2011-2015 – Feb 2011
WCRP Response to the Child Poverty Strategy – Feb 2011
WCRP Response to Play and Leisure Strategy – Feb 2011

WCRP Response to the Early Years 0-6 Strategy – Nov 2010
WCRP Response to Success through Skill 2: The Skills Strategy for NI – Sept 2010
WCRP Response to Alex Attwood questions on budget priorities – Aug 2010
WCRP Response to DHSSPS Dementia Strategy – Aug 2010
WCRP Responose to Draft Public Assemblies, Parades and Protests (NI) Bill – July 2010
WCRP Response to A Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland: Next Steps – March 2010
WCRP Written Evidence to DCAL on the Inquiry into Participation in Sports and Physical Activities – March 2010
WCRP Response to DRD on Public Transport Reform – Feb 2010
WCRP Response to A Commissioner for Older People in Northern Ireland – Jan 2010

WRDA Response to the Eames Bradley Consultation on Dealing with the Past
WCRP Response to Gordon Brown’s announcement to axe the Childcare voucher scheme – Oct 2009
WCRP Response to the Equality Impact Assessment of Welfare Reform Bill – Sept 2009
WCRP Response to the Local Government Reform Establishment of Transition Committees in Statute – May 2009
Women’s Sector submission to the House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee inquiry on a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland – May 2009
WCRP response to Draft Code of Practice (CoP) for Ministerial Public Appointments in NI – May 2009
WCRP response to ECNI Corporate Plan – Jan 2009

Guidance on the Termination of Pregnancy in NI Response – Sept 2008
WCRP Civic Forum response – Aug 2008

Response to Belfast City Council Draft Peace and Reconciliation Action plan – Nov 2007
Response to Hidden Crimes Secret Pain – April 2007
Response to Peace III EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation – Aug 2007
Response to NI EU Competitiveness and Employment – July 2007
Guidance on the Termination of Pregnancy in NI Response April 2007

Response to the Consultation on the Bill of Rights Forum – Dec 2006
Response to Draft Rural Strategy – April 2006
Response to Northern Ireland Draft Priorities and Budget 2006-2008 – 2006
Response to DARD Strategic Plan – 2006
Response to Gender Equality Strategy – 2006

Response to the review of Public Administration – Sept 2005

Response to the Extension Peace II -Sept 2004
Response to Programme for Government – 2004
Response to “Progressing a Bill of Rights” – Aug 2004
Response to the Further Education Means Business Strategy Review – June 2004

Election Manifesto

WRDA is a member of the Women’s ad hoc Policy Group, which is comprised of a diverse range of organisations, individuals and trade unions who are concerned with influencing relevant government policies with the aim of promoting gender equality. Our ‘Women’s Manifesto Elections 2016: Northern Ireland Assembly and Local Government has been endorsed by a wide range of organisations and we will continue to lobby political parties on the issues raised by the Manifesto.